Best for Britain Best for Britain

Declan Pang

Director of Policy & Public Affairs, Road Haulage Association

Declan Pang is Director of Policy & Public Affairs at the Road Haulage Association – the leading trade association representing road haulage, coach and van operators across the UK who are critical in keeping our supply chains moving.

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Best for Britain Best for Britain

Stephen Taylor

Managing Director, Winterwood Farms

Stephen is the Managing Director of Winterwood Farms. Stephen started farming in the UK in 1978 on just 1 ha of ground. Today, Stephen and related Group companies farm 17 farms in 4 countries, with blueberries being the primary crop.

Stephen is one of the founder members of the International Blueberry Organisation which represents over 90% of the world’s fresh blueberry growers, and is a current Director, holding the position of Secretary.

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Best for Britain Best for Britain

Fergus McReynolds

Director of EU & International Affairs – Make UK

Fergus McReynolds represents Make UK, the UK manufacturers’ organisation in Brussels, leading engagement and liaising with European and International Stakeholders, including the European institutions on a wide range of European, Trade and International policies. Working through his extensive European and Global network and with the partner organisations, Fergus has represented manufacturers for over 10 years in Europe and internationally.

Fergus has a Masters in Chemistry from the University of Warwick and joined Make UK as a Senior Climate & Environment Policy Adviser. Before joining, he worked in the food industry providing guidance and analysis for dairy companies on environment, sustainability and climate change. Fergus has sat on various government and industry advisory panels in the UK and abroad and spent time on secondment in the UK Government.

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Best for Britain Best for Britain

Kate Jennings

Policy Director, Logistics UK

Kate joined Logistics UK as Policy Director in June 2022.

Kate started her career in the civil service, first in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, including a posting to Beijing working on the handover of Hong Kong. She subsequently worked in the Cabinet Office on the Better Regulation agenda, leading the secretariat for a PM-chaired committee which challenged Government to ensure regulation minimised costs on business.

Kate worked in the Department for Transport from 1990 – 2020 leading on EU and international transport policy; airport policy, airspace and passenger rights; and rail strategy including the launch of the Williams Rail Review. Most recently her responsibilities included policy on rail devolution, investment, workforce, and freight in addition to engagement with industry clients including Network Rail and the Rail Delivery Group. From December 2019 to February 2020, Kate worked on the development of transport policy for EU exit. From 2020 – June 2022 Kate was Policy Director at the Railway Industry Association (RIA) – leading on coronavirus response, strategic engagement and diversity including the launch of the RIA Women in Rail Diversity and Inclusion Charter.

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Best for Britain Best for Britain

Joe Mayes

UK Politics reporter for Bloomberg News

His brief covers the Treasury, levelling up, business and trade. Joe has reported extensively on the corporate impacts of Brexit and is a regular contributor on BBC News, LBC and Times Radio.

Joe won MHP’s 30 to Watch award for City & Business journalism in 2020. He holds an MA in Journalism & International Development from Sciences Po, Paris and is a former world champion of debating in French.

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