Best for Britain Best for Britain

Clare Jackson

Chief Executive Officer, Hydrogen UK

Clare is one of the leading voices in hydrogen in the UK. She launched the Hydrogen UK, the UK trade association for hydrogen, which is leading the national debate on the role of hydrogen in meeting net zero and working with industry leaders, Ministers and civil servants on the next steps required to scale hydrogen in the UK.

Clare has an extensive network across the hydrogen space, working with many organisations and companies to advise on how to capitalise on the opportunities presented by hydrogen.

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Best for Britain Best for Britain

Angela Francis

Director of Policy Solutions, WWF UK

Angela is Director of Policy Solutions at WWF-UK where she leads the teams working on climate, finance, economics, production, and consumption policy. She started as an accountant in the energy industry before moving into economics and policy development where she has been for the last 20 years.

She led on economics and strategy for the East of England Development Agency and worked on productivity, innovation, and low carbon growth in the UK and Europe for SQW. In 2012, she took those skills to the Caribbean where she was Regional Economist and Climate Attaché for the FCO.

Returning to the UK she found her home in environmental advocacy. She was Chief Economist for Green Alliance, where she led on industrial strategy, tech and the economic case for a low carbon and circular economy and then Chief Advisor, Economics and Economic Development at WWF, providing economic advice across the climate, food and nature programs as well as leading on green recovery, just transition and trade policy for sustainable agriculture.

She was a member of UCL’s Green Innovation Policy Commission and IPPR’s Environmental Justice Commission and currently sits on the CCC Economic Advisory Group for Climate Adaptation and Resilience. Her TEDtalk on the green economy has over 1.7million views.

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Best for Britain Best for Britain

Shelley Brown

Owner, The Good Life

Shelley opened the Manchester site of The Good Life in 2019 in response to the climate crisis, to enable her community to shop more sustainably. The Good Life stocks a range of ethical fresh produce, beauty products and ethical gifts. Shelley’s aim with The Good Life is to bring ethics into the gifting market which is heavily saturated with unethical products. She loves the busy nature of her role, and the fact that it enables her to meet new people. She constantly changes and adapts her businesses to ensure it continues to succeed.

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Best for Britain Best for Britain

Miatta Fahnbulleh

Chief Executive, New Economics Foundation

Miatta has a wealth of experience in developing and delivering policy to empower communities and change people’s lives. She has been at the forefront of generating new ideas on reshaping our economy inside government and out. Prior to joining NEF she was Director of Policy & Research at the Institute of Public Policy Research. Before this, she has worked at senior levels for the Leader of the Opposition, the Cabinet Office, and the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit.

Her work has included the development of policies from devolution to local economic growth, housing, energy and climate change and transport, driving forward the Government’s economic devolution agenda in England, and localism and local economic growth. Miatta has a Masters and PhD in economic development from the LSE and a BA in PPE from Oxford.

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Best for Britain Best for Britain

Geoff Mackey

UK Head, Plastics Europe

Geoff is also a Trustee of Lantra, SCI and the Association for Science Education. He currently advises and consults to a wide range of organisational strategic and tactical groups covering the private, public and third sectors in arenas including sustainability, science, environment and further education. For over 20 years Geoff worked within BASF, the world’s largest chemical company including a decade on the plc board, with roles including communications, EHS, sustainability and corporate affairs.

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